Posts tagged with Olympus
My Quest for the Holy Grail….
2015-10-14 17:15:00 UTC…or more specifically, the holy grail of Headshot lenses I’m writing this to explain my thinking, as much to myself, as to anyone else. My name is Neil Buchan Grant and…..I am addicted to fast glass! When I used Canon gear, I spent a fair amount of time trying out,…
The new Olympus 40-150mm 2.8 Pro zoom lens
2014-10-31 19:14:16 UTCOn Wednesday the 29th of October I met up with the Olympus photographers at the Imagespace gallery in Broadgate, London. The task, to make some pictures with and gather our own impressions of, the new professional zoom lens for the micro four thirds system The latest addition to the MFT…
The Hunter and the Fisherman - Venice 2014
2014-06-16 16:12:22 UTCEarlier this month (June) I and the accomplished landscape photographer Steve Gosling hosted a 3 day photographic workshop in Venice, Italy for Olympus UK. It was well attended by photographers from as far afield as Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria and London. They were a very interesting and enthusiastic group. The…
Vejer Feria 2014 - the best of Andalucia
2014-05-07 13:40:08 UTCThe Feria is a post-easter spring celebration held in Andalucia, a bit like our county shows in the UK but with bigger bulls and a tad more sunshine. The Feria in Vejer de la Frontera is one of the best and shows some of the finest horses and bulls you…